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Dave Hoffman Tattoo Portfolio

Custom Tattoo With Dave

Consultations are free 15-30 minute meetings with the artist. This meeting is to discuss details about your tattoo, including design, price estimates, how long it should take, size, etc.

Dave Hoffman is a professional tattoo artist of 12 years, specializing in bold colorful neo-traditional tattoos made to stand the test of time.

Dave grew up in south central Pennsylvania, and after 5 years of turmoil working in the manufacturing industry made the abrupt career change to be a tattoo artist.

Dave has applied his vibrant neo-traditional specialty to his cover-up tattoo work as well, which has earned him a Best Cover-Up tattoo award. You can expect a lot of attention to detail from Dave when it comes to the needs and wants of a design. He’s also a huge nerd, playing role-playing games on consoles and tabletops such as Dungeons and Dragons, Magic: The Gathering, Fallout, and the list goes on. Please bring your nerdy, comic book, fantasy imagery, and travel memory ideas to Studio Elev8 so he can bring them to life!

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